Re: Is fasting the best option for me?
Hi Raj,
a low fat diet is most definitely not healthy, but this also depends on the type of fats we are consuming, and as you are probably aware. Most all peoples are deficient in omega 3's, as the ratio between those and omega 6's and 9's is well out of balance. Omega 3's are also known to reduce if not eliminate inflammation..........
The only sure-fire way to absorb EFA's is by making the fat water-soluble by thoroughly combining the fats with a sulfurated protein (quark or cottage cheese) as opposed to consuming them in isolation, when just being oil-based and which is the basis of the Budwig Protocol; by consuming fats in this way they permeate and nourish the body cells with ease and allow oxygen to enter the cells creating excellent cell-respiration. Cancer cells for example cannot live or survive in an aerobic oxygenated bodily environment. I believe it was Dr Otto Warburg who first discovered this in the 1930's, but this information was largely suppressed by the Medical profession and the Pharmaceutical Companies.
I am personally not in favour of a diet that is predominantly fruit-based, but a plant-based diet consisting mainly of large fresh salads: 70% vegetables, 20% fruits and 10% EFA's. Dr Joel Fuhrman MD has had much success with this type of eating plan against all manner of diseases................
Therefore consuming fats in isolation can create the health problems you speak of, but when combined with a sulfurated protein they are absorbed almost completely. This combination allows the essential fatty acids in flaxseed oil to actually bind together with the sulfurated protein, which then allows the EFAs to be properly absorbed and utilized by our body.
I would agree with you then that although your appetite may be healthy and strong it very well could be caused by malabsorption problems, which in turn will create hunger as the body is not satisfied nutritionally; but we should also consider the results of your nutritional testing where you have said that zinc was your only deficiency. If you had digestive/malabsorption problems then this would not be the case, but a deficiency in many other nutrients as well.
The possible inflammation or burning sensation you have in the abdominal area will be resolved thru water-only-fasting
Not being able to gain weight can be caused by low-calorie foods as you maybe expending more calories than you are taking in. I have never witnessed a fat fruitarian for example!!!
The decision to proceed is obviously one that you have to make, and a water-only-fast could very well be the answer, but I would strongly advocate the Budwig protocol either before or after your fast, to aid in resolving your health issues.
All the best in your decision, but let us know how you are getting on and how you intend to proceed.