Is fasting the best option for me?
Hi Everyone
I have been following this forums for the last few days to get clued up about water fasting. Basically I would appreciate your help and support on deciding if this is best for me given my history.
This is my medical history
Back in around 1995 when I was 17 I experienced onset of fatigue and depression. This was after a bout of gastritis from what I remember. From that point my body was weak, fatigue was there most of the time. I was experiencing muscle pains, blocked sinuses, urinary problems. I went to see neurologists, urologist, rheumatologists etc etc. No one could figure out what was going on.
I progressed to University with the same symptoms and constant tiredness. I was underweight too at around 9 stones (I am 5ft 9.5inches).My digestive system was also compromised with mostly constipation with bouts of diarrhoea. I had to take one year out of uni because things got so bad. My sleep was terrible.
I tried electro crystal therapy at that time.
Moving forward I entered my first job, things did notg et better. I struggled through it.
I started reading medical books and texts. I thought I had candida so tried an anti candida diet. This actually helped but i coudn't maintain it as it was so low carb. What it did tell me is that diet affected how i felt so I did more reading. I explored ayurvedic practice and went for a detoxification program in 2007. Again this helped a little but not with my sleep or my weight. Actually I felt quite weak afterwards. I had to leave my job after this.
After this I explored raw foods which to me made so much sense. I started eating high raw but was quite confused by all the variable diets out there. high fat - low fruit, high fruit - low fat. I decided to go to Hippocrates Health Institute in 2010 to see if a full program would help me. My time there wasn't as rewarding as I hoped. It seemed that again the diet was very low calorie and I had clear evidence of adrenal fatigue. It didn't help my sleep, and a lot of the time I felt terrible.The good news is that they did a test called spectracell (looks at nutrient levels at cellular level) which showed the only mineral and vitamin deficiency I had was zinc( important i know lol)
Forward to today, Im tired all the time and need to find away to restore things. I can function but I dont want to function I want to thrive.
Symptoms today
Bad Insomnia
Sugar issues
Low Mood
Constipation although much better when i eat high content fruits
dry skin
some white spots on fingernails
I am eating a clean diet and have done for over three years. At the moment I'm doing high fruit and low fat in the kind of 80/10/10 style although I do have some cooked red potatoes and millet. I have tried paleo and traditional diets for adrenal fatigue where you combine fats/protein and carbs).
Water Fasting be the best thing to solve my issues? What style should I be eating until I start? Natural Hygeine, high fruit? I live in the UK and the fruit is terrible here.
I so badly want to sleep lol.
One thing is my weight is now at around 58kg which is low for my height 5ft9.5. Should I be worried abt this?
Im sure I will have many more questions.
Thanks All