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Re: So many sick, overweight, dieing people
Zoebess Views: 1,133
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 194,057

Re: So many sick, overweight, dieing people

There seems to be an effort on some level to *allow* the thinning of the herd so to speak and with the FDA allowing products like aspartame on our shelves and fluoridation of most of our water when even every industrialized European nation has banned it, well, the writing is on the wall. Many of my own efforts to educate others meets with rhetoric like, "if it was bad for you, the government would not allow it to be on the shelves!".

With the system of capitalism we have in place, it is the health of the dollar and the economy which is supported and "collatoral damage" in the way of death and disease only feeds the existing medical/allopathic machine and the drug industry etc. The government at certain levels seems to be *training* us to embrace a global economy, (Japan is the planets biggest supplier of Aspartame) and to accept ourselves as a global community rather than the United States of America. This is one reason why the immigration law's are not upheld and when the system breaks, which seems to be one of the power-elites' agendas, let it break and replace it with something which does not resemble what it used to be. It will be much more controlled and another knife in the heart of what the American dream used to be.

They spray us like cockroaches with chemtrails in an effort to again, thin the herd, which means that those of us who do make efforts to keep our immune system amped and ready, have a chance, and those of us who have limited access and who buy into and trust the government's line that they want "what's good for America", meaning something else than the people take those words to mean, well, they do face lives of debilitation and despair.

Certainly the words from Revelation about mothers' gnashing their teeth comes to mind when I think of the choices our children and grandchildren will have to face. I, for one, am glad I am old enough to remember what it was like when media were truthseekers and the government did work for us. Imperfect as it was, it was our nation....

There is intelligence down here but you have to look below the microwaves, the chemtrails, and the HAARP beams etc. to find us. The Curezone is a good place to look...ggg.

On aisle eleven,


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