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So many sick, overweight, dieing people
dsr Views: 1,175
Published: 19 y

So many sick, overweight, dieing people

I just came from the grocery store and can't believe the health condition of the kids stocking the shelves, most of them are so over weight (fat) most have such terrible skin conditions, they wear clothes that hang down below there butts, there guts hang out, they are dirty. And then most of the people shopping there my God the stuff they buy and the condition of there bodies. I have been aware of alot of this for awhile now and have been doing as much organic raw as possible and juicing ( not perfect) but working on it. I knew that social security was set at age 65 because the average life span of american male was 64 and you were suppose to die before you got any. I can sure see where these kids will not make 40, there bodies allready look 50 and 60 yrs of age.
It is really scary, I can just see it something is going to break, it has to, so much sickness, diease, disfunction, greed. Papers filled with people dieing in there 40's 50's. everyday. My small town is getting smaller by the day from so many dieng off so young and only mexican's coming in to work at Tyson's packing plant. So many empty houses for sale. Can't rent a house to anyone cause 90% of the people are filth and will wreck it cause they do not care.
Don't mean to be negitive here, but some days it is really hard to deal with it. It is
allmost immpossible to talk to anyone about eating right and health and the state of things, they just don't get it.
Maybe it is just where I live and it is different out there in your areas and I just need to get away from here?

Thanks for listening to me rant if you got this far. Beam me up Scooty there no intelligent life down here.



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