They eat animals, they become the animals they eat. Dumbed down to animal natures they become gluttons who can speak and read and follow directions. Ever see pigs at a trow?
When you eat a pig or cow you consume the essence of the animal, it enters your blood and your dna and you become like the animals you eat.
I live near Wisconsin, the milk, cheese and beef state. Without a doubt they are the most BOVINE, cow like, humans I have ever seen, in all thier looks thoughts and ways they are BOVINE in nature. If I go west of me to Iowa, I see the pig farmers in Iowa, the pig farmers who are big pig eaters act just like pigs, they snort, pick thier noses in public, act kind of piggish in demeanor, guffaw on each other and thier next thought is always thier next meal, often pork ribs and they will talk for an hour all about thier pork bar-be-que recipe sauce and they celibrate and give each other pork ribs or pork roasts for fun. pig rib eating is the church social pastime. Unusual. I heard some pigs will eat until they explode,not sure. I wonder how many of those heavy pig and beef eating people have pork hydatid tapeworms and beef hydatid tapeworms? Many are lactose and protien intolerant and do not even know it. Gluttony is a sin, a deadly sin. And people perish for lack of knowledge. see breatharian forum for links. This is not a critisism, just an observation. I like animals. I believe they should all be well kept in barns or helped to live natural, be treated well, be protected and NOT be eaten by humans. Cannibalism is not attractive to me, not even cross species cannabalism. See what oj fasting does to you.
I do not live near any chicken factories, I bet the people who eat a lot of chickens act and behave like chickens.
George Orwell was correct in his book, Animal Farm.
All I can say is, be careful around animals, be nice to the animals, don't feed the animals and do not let the animals/humans bite you.
Vegans and fruitarians do not really interface with the blood and guts horror blood flesh eaters encounter. When you are vegan or fruitarian you RESONATE at a much higher, less animalistic level, so there is rarely a problem for vegans or fruitarians as they are reclaiming their divine, angelic and human natures back, uncorrupted by slaughtered animal influence.