Re: eye pain, bloody nose, crawling behind eye, could it be strongyloides? Is is safe to put coconut oil in my eyes?
I'm glad we could help you. It's a strange disease, and unless you want to take serious drugs, it's a long battle.
I just soaked my feet because I had some of the white hard "disks" coming out, and I think I'm having what I call a "hatchout," which seems to happen about once a month. I can tell because of all of the black "rods" that come out of my skin, which is a pupal form of larvae known as rhabditaform. Sometimes they come out half black and half white, so I know I got them when they were molting to the next stage.
Anyway, I put detergent and peroxide in the water, and the things were coming out for 10 minutes after I got through soaking and scrubbing them. In case you want to try it, I put coconut oil on my feet at night with thin cotton socks. I have always had scaly, cracked heels, but when I do this, they just go away. I never knew it was the
parasites until I took my first
parasite cleanse (Humaworm) and my heels were fully healed at the end of it. Right now, they are really bad because I haven't been using the coconut oil, so it will take some doing to get them "sandal ready" again.