Take a look at the article below. I began my healing journey 4 years ago with a meat, eggs, chicken, vegetable and fruit diet. I was improving immensely but then got seduced into the ever popular raw vegan diet. I was still eating animal protein twice per week but at least 80-90% raw veg and fruit. I did this for 2 years and became weak and sick all over. The sicker I was getting the stricter I would become with the raw vegan diet. Many weeks eliminating all animal protein even though I had insatiable cravings for hamburgers and eggs. It was a downhill spiral which I deeply regret but part of the learning experience.
I am now back to eating animal protein with each meal and also doing a nutritional balancing program with hair analysis through Analytical Research Labs. This includes a strong digestive with each meal, adrenal supplement and high levels of vitamins and minerals. My hair analysis revealed that I was extremely low in all but 2 minerals. I have been on this program for almost 5 months and a recent retest has shown many improvements in the mineral levels. I am also now dumping excess copper, aluminum and some cadmium.
I also had a very bad parasite problem which I battled off and on for 2 years. I made my own paracides and continue to take a maintenance dose as a preventative.
It was the Weston Price movement that undid the raw vegan brainwashing.