Re: Anyone ever heard of CandElim?
I have got most of my symptoms under control again, thanks to a simple Psyllium and Molasses
Bowel Cleanse which lasts 3 months and I'm in about the third week. Info can be found here
(and no, I'm not religious, this is just really sound advice!). And compared to CandElim and Threelac and other specialist preparations, it's practically free :-) so nothing to lose.
I also continue to use the Alaczen as directed, and I've used 1 tsp. yoghurt mixed with ca. 1/3 content of an Alaczen capsule on a tampon to deal with thrush outbreaks which stopped them in their tracks.
Skin looks great, "asthma" is gone, allergies gone (other people sneeze more than me with the seasonal hayfever!!!), no brain fog, no tiredness, no IBS symptoms, completely medication free!
There are still some lingering aches and pains I cannot explain, mainly in my gut and in my hips, maybe they are detox symptoms. I'm back at Bikram Yoga for a month and getting fitter very slowly.
I'm over the moon at this point and feeling very positive. Will try and update again at the end of my
Bowel Cleanse course. xx