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Re: Anyone ever heard of CandElim?
xxphobia Views: 36,991
Published: 13 y
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Re: Anyone ever heard of CandElim?

Hi again,

Checking in after using up my three bottles of CandElim.

After 6 weeks, as they predicted, my spit test nearly cleared up. My "asthma" and allergies did too. Whether that was the CandElim, or the Alaczen (which I started a couple of weeks before the improvement), or a combination of all the other things I had done up to that point (Bikram Yoga - could only afford one month; Thieves Oil - diffusing and applying to feet; and the build up of Probiotics - Fivelac, then Jarro, then the Alaczen) I do not know.

I was so happy to be healthy for almost three weeks.

Then I got thrush again, and even though I continued with the CandElim and the Alaczen for the whole 3 months, I kept getting worse, and now most of the symptoms are back. The CandElim is now finished, I am not cured, and it is too expensive to keep in my experimental repertoire (although I would dearly love to keep it).

Now I'm trying to focus on the digestive system which is somewhat out of kilter, using Psyllium and Bentonite Clay, but I am very disheartened and currently at a loss what to do. Feeling very ill, especially since I now know what it feels like to be well.

Feel free to ask me any questions, happy to share.


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