Chiron: inedia fasting, prana, etheric etc
It was my error in assuming most water fasters were fruitarians, inedites, pranarians, raw or vegans etc before doing water fasting or dry fasting..
The detox issues obese and heavy meat eaters go through is not something I deal with. Excess meat can clog every node in the lymph and take years to detox, most huge cancer tumors autopsied are comprised of animal protien turned rubbery grizzel and excised look like 10 pounds and more of hard rubbbery congealed animal meat grizzel.
Regarding assumptions, there are many who never heard of prana, etheric body or pranic nourishment so if I simplify it was not for you or those who have a lot of experience with different herbs, diets, etc. It is for those who do not know what inedia fasting, prana fasting or etheric body is.
Possibly time to start a pranarian forum, with delete. A lot of people who intuitively reject sad are being misdiagnosed with eating disorders when they are just reacting to the sad and bad commercial interest pyramid food chart. Many would thrive on fruitrian diet, raw diet, vegan diet etc and benefit from prana lifestyle info, fasting info, light diet info, etc if they had knowledge of it. Not sure. Will see.
God Bless