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Re: hoping for help: lugols iodine & weight gain
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Re: hoping for help: lugols iodine & weight gain

Sorry, I have been gone on family matters. Nick, I use to take Virgin Coconut oil, I mixed in hot chocolate but when the weather got warm, I didn’t drink Hot Chocolate and could not find any way that I could eat it. I tried it on toast and vegetables and I couldn’t stomach it. I am going to try to start using it in receipts and for cooking food and see if that works.

Cougar, thanks a lot for your experience with Potassium. I have decided against using the Potassium I got.

What I am doing now is:

Taking NOW Liver Detox, Natures Way Dandelion Root, 1500 mg of Nature's Plus Ultra Cranberry, increased Vitamin D3 to 10,000 IU and I am taking Magnesium Malate instead of Magnesium Oxide.

But today, I was doing some more review of Iodine and I ran across a post I had that said “If you take other supplements with your Lugols, the Iodine will attach to whatever else you took with it, instead of staining the empty stomach so it is available for the blood to pick-up” I have been taking my thyroid supplements with the Lugols Iodine so perhaps this has not been helping me.

If I am still not able to loose weight by the 1st of May then I am going to bite the bullet and quit taking the Iodine for a couple of weeks and do a good detox using either this liver tonic @
or the Lemon Juice Flush.

Once again, thank you ALL for all the great information. You all have been so nice and so helpful.



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