D3 has changed my life, even more since I saw the 5 part video. Even with 2000 iu's a night, I lost several pounds after 8 weeks with no other changes whatsoever. I have added a printed version of what the videos’, show for the most part. Strangely when I took 4000 iu’s of D3 I felt a hangover the next morning so I backed off to 2000 iu’s a night. When I recently took 10,000 Iu’s I experienced the deepest most refreshing sleep I have in years!. I barely felt the hangover effect. Wow! I believe with all my heart (what’s left of it) this is the greatest supplement besides Iodine one can take. I take 2 mg’s of K2 Mk4 at night with it my D3 now. I spray magnesium oil on too. Of course I take the other companion supps for my Iodine.
I will have my D3 levels checked every couple of months to keep within the 60 to 80 ng/ml range.
I will post more in the future regarding my blood levels.
Dr. Davis the heart Doctor, recommends taking higher doses of D3 if one needs it to get to the 60 ng/ml plus range. I think that 5000 iu’s a day, give or take 1000 iu’s will be maintenance.