Re: congratulations!!!
Thank you once again! :)
I am not going to do the full IP, more like a 30 day cleanse I suppose. This is my "intro" so to say. :)
I was reading about the cold sheet therapy, lmbo, and thought, this stuff is crazy, but I totally believe in it! lol
Thank you for your suggestions, I feel mostly prepared, but need to finish my herbal order and then will get started! :)
I guess I have been preparing my diet in a way, but will amp it up until I get all my herbs and get started! :)
My biggest obstacle is that I am a stay at home Mom of 3 wittle ones and my husband works long days, so I won't have the luxury of laying down when I'm tired. But I am ready to feel better for them to enjoy ALL of their Mama, so I am determined to make it through.
The mental part is the hardest battle and I feel very focused. :)