First, congratulation! This is an incredible step for you and you will love it!
I have NEVER done a full detox before and am working on my "plan". I am planning to do a 30 day detox period to start based on what I have read in the Incurables program. I want to only consume fresh juice, raw foods according to detox guidelines, potassium broth, herbal teas during this time. Can I just go for it or should I do some prep work first, like a week of vegetarian eating, etc.? Shulze would say if you have a serious issue you stop eating immediately, if not a serious issue you may work your way into it if you feel that is going to help you be successful. For me I did work into it, then did the 30 day juice flush. Listen to your inner doctor and do what feels right. I found that while juicing heavily food temptations were minimal and during that time I was able to adjust my tastebuds to healthier choices all around.
I know that the bowel is the place to start. YES!
I have Dr Schulze's 5 day detox kit and 14 extra IF#2 packets.(We bought these from someone who didn't want them for a steal)
Do I need to have enough to do 30 straight days of both formulas? YES! You will want to have plenty for a full 30 days. You will be taking IF #1 nightly and IF #2 5x daily.
If so, Unyquity, do you sell something similar so that I could afford to do this? YES! Uny sells 2 types of IF #2 (about 1/3 way down the page) and honestly it really doesn't matter which you select, pick one and take it 5x daily.
Do I start the bowel cleanse on day 1 and if so, can I just start using #2 since I have several BM's a day? If you are having several BM's daily then you fulfill the requirement of Schulze for starting #2.
My next question is which detox to do next? I have both kidney and gallbladder issues. :( I have suffered bladder/UTI's my whole life, although they have improved since I've had children. Gallbladder issues have cropped up recently and are more bothersome. Schulze here would tell you to do which is most pressing, if both are equal pick one and do it. My guess is Uny would suggest the Liver and GB cleanse as that is kinda her area of extreme expertise.
So whichever one I should do next, I am assuming I do one on week 2 and the other on week 4? I have one 5 day program of each the kidney and liver cleanses. If I need to do this more, same question as above, do I have other options to help me afford this? :) This line confused me but if you start with the LIVER on week one you will then do the KIDNEY cleanse for week 2. Liver will then be week 3 and Kidney will be week 4. Uny has a full IP program that is very very cost effective for a full detox.
I also have a bottle of the ECH+. Should I also take this during the 30 day cleanse? If you are doing the full IP you will be taking 2-4 bottles (2oz) throughout the 30 days along with a few other tinctures and various herbal teas. If you are not doing the full IP then take what you have and get it in you. Honestly a 2oz btl is better than nothing but in this case "MORE IS BETTER!"
My last question is concerning taking my thyroid Rx. I do not feel comfortable NOT taking it. I have done this before with really bad results. Is it okay to do these cleanses while taking my meds? My goal is to eventually not have to take them, but I am apprehensive for now. This is a touchy subject and different people fall into different categories. I follow Dr. John Christopher on this and I'm fairly certain Uny does as well. He says not to kick the crutches out from under someone who doesn't quite walk on their own yet. He would suggest doing the program and as your body begins to take over you will naturally be able to reduce your Rx gradually.
Any other suggestions are also very appreciated. I want to set myself up for success with a plan and to have what I need before I begin. I'm trying to remove ALL excuses before I start. Tomorrow is what you think and do today! Just Do IT! A little is better than nothing. Over the last year I have slowly built my way into the full IP, it is powerful. Most important thing I believe you can do is JUICE! Juices are a natural healing blood transfusion.
Also - Educate yourself, get Dr. Schulze "Original IP" and "Healing Crusade" disks from Uny's store. Breath Deeply, Laugh Often, and have FUN!
Get Healthy,
Thank you once again! :) Welcome
Okay everybody, I just gotta tell y'all...having PI's well-read input & thoughts to add to is just SO sweet (and so beneficial for everyone reading!) Maelynn, First, congratulation! This is an incredible step for you and you will love it! Ditto +++!!! I have NEVER done a full detox before and am working on my "plan". I am planning to do a 30 day detox period to start based on what I have read in the Incurables program. I want to only consume fresh juice, raw foods according to detox guidelines, potassium broth, herbal teas during this time. Can I just go for it or should I do some prep work first, like a week of vegetarian eating, etc.? Shulze would say if you have a serious issue you stop eating immediately, if not a serious issue you may work your way into it if you feel that is going to help you be successful. For me I did work into it, then did the 30 day juice flush. Listen to your inner doctor and do what feels right. I found that while juicing heavily food temptations were minimal and during that time I was able to adjust my tastebuds to healthier choices all around. Edit/add: We "worked into it", too. But I wasn't strictly vegan before I did my first juice-fast (which was for around 15 days). That juice-fast was AMAZING...I couldn't believe all the benefits (not to mention how empowering it was). End edit Before adding anymore, I'll back up and explain...a 30 day 'detox' is basically an organized 30-day cycle or segment for decongesting, healing & restoring the body. (I'm 'getting' that you're not planning on doing the "full IP", but rather a strong foundation cleanse & nourishing - so that's where I'll be coming from throughout this post). So many people misunderstand that "Dr. Schulzes 30 day IP" means: "This is a 30 day program, and when I've done 30 days, I'm done". What the first 30 days is, is building a solid foundation where we make great progress; dislodge a LOT of congestion; and learning to listen to, hear, & interpret our 'dr within', while 'stopping' as much harm as possible, and giving our body ample amounts of super-high grade fuel to support it all. For some, this 30 days is almost a "miracle spike" on the graph - for others, it's a slow & steady upward trend....and that graph line is always going to have a few dips along the way. Just remember, it's impossible to completely undo decades of damage in a few weks; for the biggest percentage (it takes quite a few months to completely cleanse the liver). BUT, during & after these 30 days, the body's healing schematics will be 'freed up' and able to kick into high gear - and you are going to make great headway! My next question is which detox to do next? I have both kidney and gallbladder issues. :( I have suffered bladder/UTI's my whole life, although they have improved since I've had children. Gallbladder issues have cropped up recently and are more bothersome. Schulze here would tell you to do which is most pressing, if both are equal pick one and do it. My guess is Uny would suggest the Liver and GB cleanse as that is kinda her area of extreme expertise. Well, the kidney cleanse is 'easiest', so generally when people 'don't know' which to do first, I suggest starting with that. Since I'm not in your body and can't access your 'doctor within' (but have read your posts and know your liver/gallbladder are definitely trying to get your attention), then I'd start with daily coffee enemas (another thing I strongly suggest you 'get the hang of' daily before starting any cleanses), and the 5-day Liver cleanse followed by a liver flush. Dr. Schulze didn't use CE's or Epsom Salts with liver cleansing/flushing, but I've read nothing that indicates he was aware of the problems & stress caused to the liver because of the enterhepatic recirculation of stale/toxic bile. This is something every other 'liver flush guru' understood & addressed. However, they addressed it by using Epsom Salts (which are very harsh on the kidneys, and easily throw electrolytes out of balance, sometimes severely). A CE will do the same (prevent the recirculation of bile), but in a much gentler & healthier way...and CE's also increase the bile flow (sometime ES doesn't do). Hence I feel people need to do one or the other (or both). When the liver/gallbladder are so distressed & congested that biliary attacks are present, I suggest people educate themselves regarding liver/gallbladder flushing, and decide for themselves if they want to use ES for the liver flush (after the 5 day cleanse). Generally speaking, if one has no problems with the 5-day cleanse, there shouldn't be any "need" for the ES for the actual liver flush (because you've likely dispelled debris/stones from the gallbladder, and there's no question you'll be able to expel the stones during the flush). So whichever one I should do next, I am assuming I do one on week 2 and the other on week 4? I have one 5 day program of each the kidney and liver cleanses. If I need to do this more, same question as above, do I have other options to help me afford this? :) This line confused me but if you start with the LIVER on week one you will then do the KIDNEY cleanse for week 2. Liver will then be week 3 and Kidney will be week 4. Uny has a full IP program that is very very cost effective for a full detox. Our environment has worsened substantially since any of these great healers were in practice. And there's no one but us to make upward-adjustments and additions to counteract it all. (For example, did you know that back in the 70's, the oxygen level of the air we breath was 30+%, and now it's estimated to be 12% in the cities and 18% in the country?...YIKES). And then there's the tens of thousands of new chemicals, chemtrails, the run-off from the insidious ag-biz industry, irradiated 'food', GMO's (proven to genetically alter gut flora, amidst other unnatural actions), and all the EMF's...which are insidiously altering to our body. So, in real estate, the 3 'magic words' are "location, location, location". In Natural Healing, the 3 necessary words are "enough, Enough, ENOUGH!" We have to make sure: --the herbs we use are pure & effective enough, and that we're taking enough of them (2-4 droppersful of any tincture is NOT going to have the same 'strength of benefit' it had 100 years ago, or even 20 years ago). --that we're 'stopping doing harm' enough. Getting rid of all toxic cleaning & personal care products, closing the door on the microwave permanently, buying/using only certified organic (whenever possible), and ditching the cell phones & wifi (or lessening their use substantially). Some people are not going to be able to totally heal no matter what they do when they're doused/drenched in EMFs (that cause free radical formation, and alter various systems throughout the body). --that we're doing enough supportive therapies! Castor oil packs, hot/cold showers, barefooting/Earthing, sunbathing, hot/cold poultices, etc. These were all part of the IP - and we need to do our best to include them in our daily life...especially when healing & cleansing. Things I don't see that I'd recommend: 4-6 Tablespoons of Superfood daily Daily coffee enemas (pretty much essential when working on the liver/gallbladder - see the CE FAQ for where to order the best coffee & enema bucket if you don't already know) Cayenne tincture or powder 3x daily (you'd be doing that anyway with a parasite cleanse) Parasite cleanse - a "must do" when working on the liver (well, everybody should do a thorough parasite cleanse once yearly anyway). Check the Parasite FAQ for my detailed suggestions; this is something you'd do daily for 30 days. Also - Educate yourself, get Dr. Schulze "Original IP" and "Healing Crusade" disks from Uny's store. Breath Deeply, Laugh Often, and have FUN! Yeppers, those are the two "must see" video sets...they'll provide amazing amounts of knowledge, inspiration, courage and enthusiasm! They're "life changers" for sure and for certain!
I know that the bowel is the place to start. YES! YES! :) - you do the IF#1 (if needed) and the IF#2 for the full 30 days...for two reasons. 1) It takes much longer than 30 days to decongest & restore our colons (most of which have been compromised in various ways since we started on solid food and stopped having 1 bm 15-30 minutes after every meal we ate). 2) The IF#2 contains both activated charcoal & bentonite clay - these two substances actually adsorb toxins (absorb is like a sponge - the toxin has to touching the sponge; adsorb is "pulling to itself". Clay & charcoal will actually pull toxins from the bloodstream and into the intestinal tract - to be safely 'flushed away). And you're going to releasing a lot of toxins. Having the IF#2 5-6x daily ensures the least amount of 'detox symptoms' possible. You can even add more activated charcoal (1/2 - 1 teaspoon) to each dose of IF#2 if you'd like (something that many people do, including myself). Charcoal can be a bit constipating, so I don't suggest adding more to the IF#2 until you're sure you're having 2-3 bms daily (3 is better).
I have Dr Schulze's 5 day detox kit and 14 extra IF#2 packets.(We bought these from someone who didn't want them for a steal)
Do I need to have enough to do 30 straight days of both formulas? YES! You will want to have plenty for a full 30 days. You will be taking IF #1 nightly and IF #2 5x daily. Agreed :)
If so, Unyquity, do you sell something similar so that I could afford to do this? YES! Uny sells 2 types of IF #2 (about 1/3 way down the page) and honestly it really doesn't matter which you select, pick one and take it 5x daily. What he said :) We use the exact same "recipes" that Dr. Schulze used & published when healing people in his clinics. You can read more about 'how we make them' here: (this list desperately needs updating, but the product quality & methodology is accurate).
Do I start the bowel cleanse on day 1 and if so, can I just start using #2 since I have several BM's a day? If you are having several BM's daily then you fulfill the requirement of Schulze for starting #2. If you're planning on juice-fasting, I strongly suggest at least 1 week (or however long it takes) on IF#2 before eliminating solid food/fiber. Once you're sure you can ensure 3 bms daily on the IF#2 (with or without the IF#1), then start the juice-fast.
Right, two weeks on liver/gallbladder and two weeks on kidneys...rotated. You can alter that if you feel you need two weeks "back to back" on one or the other - or even do them simulataneously if needed. But the most typical is one week on each, rotated.
I also have a bottle of the ECH+. Should I also take this during the 30 day cleanse? If you are doing the full IP you will be taking 2-4 bottles (2oz) throughout the 30 days along with a few other tinctures and various herbal teas. If you are not doing the full IP then take what you have and get it in you. Honestly a 2oz btl is better than nothing but in this case "MORE IS BETTER!" 4 droppersful 3x daily is a 'basic adult dosage' (12 droppersful daily) and an 8 oz bottle is 'just almost that much' when used from a 4oz bottle). If I thought I had an auto-immune issue, I'd be taking at least that much daily, probably more....and definitely sleeping on an Earthing pad/sheet (they call what is actually a partial sheet a "pad" :::eyeroll:::) Regarding the 'more is better'...
My last question is concerning taking my thyroid Rx. I do not feel comfortable NOT taking it. I have done this before with really bad results. Is it okay to do these cleanses while taking my meds? My goal is to eventually not have to take them, but I am apprehensive for now. This is a touchy subject and different people fall into different categories. I follow Dr. John Christopher on this and I'm fairly certain Uny does as well. He says not to kick the crutches out from under someone who doesn't quite walk on their own yet. He would suggest doing the program and as your body begins to take over you will naturally be able to reduce your Rx gradually. Agreed! If there's not an 'herbal substitute' for the pharmaceutical (and especially if the pharmaceutical is addictive or has a known 'withdrawal syndrome) ...then wean off gradually as your body strengthens. However, there are some pharmaceuticals that force actions in the body that prevent the body from healing (example: beta blockers that slow & weaken the heartbeat...'can't heal the heart when it's forced to beat slowly & weakly). But even then, it's a "wean off to be safe" while replacing the meds with supporting/healing herbs. Let me know what you're taking and I'll check it out for you (if you'd like me to).
Any other suggestions are also very appreciated. I want to set myself up for success with a plan and to have what I need before I begin. I'm trying to remove ALL excuses before I start. Tomorrow is what you think and do today! Just Do IT! A little is better than nothing. Over the last year I have slowly built my way into the full IP, it is powerful. Most important thing I believe you can do is JUICE! Juices are a natural healing blood transfusion. Yep, those "excuses" will kill ya! One of the things that works for me is a 'change of thought'...this is not an exasperating, frustrating, negative, 'I'm going to hate every minute of it' sacrifice. This is an energizing, learning & healing adventure/event that only a very few people ever have the opportunity to learn & do! Doing, learning & experiencing ALL of this will ensure that you'll be in control over your health, life & freedom for the rest of your LIFE! (and the life of your children and their children and everyone else you meet that will 'pay attention'). Traveling down this road is going to ensure that you (and your family) never experience "death by chemotherapy or radiation"; that you never 'fear' doctors; that you're never weakened & poisoned by their drugs...and that you live a life full of vibrant health & energy (and that you'll know & understand what you need to do if something goes awry). This is something we'd all fight for the priviledge of learning & doing (if "they" hadn't made this such an unnatural world and altered our logic). Every lil' minute of what you're going to be doing is a blessing in some way or another; it's THE foundation of life & health - and in the end, it's a treasure chest full of gold & gleaming gems!
I received your PM, and I'll be answering by Saturday PM (I'm in the middle of getting ready for a short Easter trip, and I'm on a tight schedule :)
I'm SO excited for you!
Before adding anymore, I'll back up and explain...a 30 day 'detox' is basically an organized 30-day cycle or segment for decongesting, healing & restoring the body. (I'm 'getting' that you're not planning on doing the "full IP", but rather a strong foundation cleanse & nourishing - so that's where I'll be coming from throughout this post).
Yes, I am building my foundation by starting with a 30 day cleanse. I know the full IP is adding in a lot more. I think that once I accomplish this goal, I will be ready for the next phase. :)
If you're planning on juice-fasting, I strongly suggest at least 1 week (or however long it takes) on IF#2 before eliminating solid food/fiber. Once you're sure you can ensure 3 bms daily on the IF#2 (with or without the IF#1), then start the juice-fast.
So you are saying before starting the actual 30 day cleanse to do a trial on IF#2 to see if I get constipated. But the "with or without IF#1" kind of confused me. Aren't you supposed to take IF#1, at least one capsule, at night while on IF#2?
then I'd start with daily coffee enemas (another thing I strongly suggest you 'get the hang of' daily before starting any cleanses), and the 5-day Liver cleanse followed by a liver flush.
So you are saying, to start "practicing" the CEs now? lol And to do them while doing the entire cleanse, or during liver flush as well or after the flush? (Sorry, my brain is very foggy from thyroid issues and I get confused very easily) I will read more about this, but if I do have some complications, I want to make sure I know what to do. I am planning on doing this first since I am having the most issues there. I do have trouble with getting UTI's very easily, so do you think the ES might be too harsh?
If I thought I had an auto-immune issue, I'd be taking at least that much daily, probably more....and definitely sleeping on an Earthing pad/sheet (they call what is actually a partial sheet a "pad" :::eyeroll:::) Regarding the 'more is better'...
Is Echinacea something you take and then stop taking so it stays "effective"? I have heard that some thyroid conditions become worse on Echinacea and you will know pretty quickly by negative symptoms. I have heard not to take echinacea, iodine, and mass amounts of vitamin D. It's very confusing. :/ I have also been researching earthing pads. I have been walking around barefoot outside, which I love to do anyway, but now I know it's "good" for me. :)
Cayenne tincture or powder 3x daily (you'd be doing that anyway with a parasite cleanse) I emailed you about ordering this also. :) I saw it as an ingredient in one of the detox drinks, but I didn't know I should take it daily. Do the IF's have this in them? I thought I saw it was an ingredient. Parasite cleanse - a "must do" when working on the liver (well, everybody should do a thorough parasite cleanse once yearly anyway). Check the Parasite FAQ for my detailed suggestions; this is something you'd do daily for 30 days. So you are suggesting adding in a parasite cleanse while doing the other cleanses or after? Let me know what you're taking and I'll check it out for you (if you'd like me to).
I received your PM, and I'll be answering by Saturday PM (I'm in the middle of getting ready for a short Easter trip, and I'm on a tight schedule :)
No worries. :) Enjoy your weekend, and if you don't get back by tonight, it's okay. I am planning on order mid-week, so don't rush if you are pressed for time today.
I'm SO excited for you
ME TOO!!! I can't wait to share and probably ask a few more questions "while" I'm doing it.
And sorry this is a million different colors and text styles, lol, I was trying to figure out the editor.
Before adding anymore, I'll back up and explain...a 30 day 'detox' is basically an organized 30-day cycle or segment for decongesting, healing & restoring the body. (I'm 'getting' that you're not planning on doing the "full IP", but rather a strong foundation cleanse & nourishing - so that's where I'll be coming from throughout this post).
Yes, I am building my foundation by starting with a 30 day cleanse. I know the full IP is adding in a lot more. I think that once I accomplish this goal, I will be ready for the next phase. :) That's a fantastic plan! You'll know SO much more about what you need and where to focus after this 30 days :)
If you're planning on juice-fasting, I strongly suggest at least 1 week (or however long it takes) on IF#2 before eliminating solid food/fiber. Once you're sure you can ensure 3 bms daily on the IF#2 (with or without the IF#1), then start the juice-fast.
So you are saying before starting the actual 30 day cleanse to do a trial on IF#2 to see if I get constipated. But the "with or without IF#1" kind of confused me. Aren't you supposed to take IF#1, at least one capsule, at night while on IF#2? It's much easier for most folks to "regulate" the IF#1/IF#2 while they're eating solid foods (due to the fiber). When you start a juice fast, you don't have the normal amount of fiber you're body is used to (only the IF#2), and some people struggle for a couple of weeks to get regulated. So if you're planning on juice-fasting, it'll be easier for you to 'know what's going on' with your bowel activity if you're already accustomed to the results of the IF#1/IF#2. You don't need to use the IF#1 if you're having 2-3 bms daily with the IF#2.
then I'd start with daily coffee enemas (another thing I strongly suggest you 'get the hang of' daily before starting any cleanses), and the 5-day Liver cleanse followed by a liver flush.
So you are saying, to start "practicing" the CEs now? lol And to do them while doing the entire cleanse, or during liver flush as well or after the flush? (Sorry, my brain is very foggy from thyroid issues and I get confused very easily) I will read more about this, but if I do have some complications, I want to make sure I know what to do.  I am planning on doing this first since I am having the most issues there. I do have trouble with getting UTI's very easily, so do you think the ES might be too harsh? I understand brain-fog all too problem at all! CE's are something that gazillions of people do daily worldwide for their myriad of attributes (not to mention, a peaceful time of reflection & rest). I suggest everyone do CE's as frequently as they can - because they assist the liver (incredibly) to cleanse the bloodstream while they're retained. Most of us don't realize how must 'living daily' on this toxic planet stresses & burdens our body (even the blood of newborn infants has over 200 chemicals!). When we're cleansing our body (especially when fasting or juice-fasting) a vast amount of toxins are released into the bloodstream. Our 'cleanses' are much more fruitful when we assist the body to deal with this. So yes, I recommend you do a CE every day when cleansing...but it's especially important when cleansing the liver. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is stressing to the kidneys because the doses recommended for use when liver flushing are very high...and the kidneys are basically responsible for removing the excess magnesium and rebalancing the electrolytes. ES is also very dehydrating (it pulls water from our bloodstream and into the intestines). This effect (also known as "butt pee" :) is for ensuring (as much as possible) the stale/toxic bile being released during a liver flush is eliminated before it can reassimilate. CE's do this in a MUCH more gentle manner...without stressing any system of the body. Read the info in these two links and if you have any questions, let me know. for everyone! Liver Flushing & Enterohepatic Recirculation of Bile The Secret to the Coffee Enema ES are also used when liver flushing to relax the biliary ducts. Typically when people have 'prepped' for the flush adequately (the 5 day cleanse is an excellent "prep", as are the CE's), then ES aren't needed. Dr. Schulze says he flushed 1,000's of livers and no one every got anything 'stuck'. But most everyone agrees, that first liver flush is scary...and many people feel more comfortable having one dose of ES about an hour before they drink the oil/citrus potion. A "typical" liver flush call for 2 doses the day/night of the flush, and 2 doses the day after (which can be very harsh for some).
If I thought I had an auto-immune issue, I'd be taking at least that much daily, probably more....and definitely sleeping on an Earthing pad/sheet (they call what is actually a partial sheet a "pad" :::eyeroll:::) Regarding the 'more is better'...
Is Echinacea something you take and then stop taking so it stays "effective"? I have heard that some thyroid conditions become worse on Echinacea and you will know pretty quickly by negative symptoms. I have heard not to take echinacea, iodine, and mass amounts of vitamin D. It's very confusing. :/ I have also been researching earthing pads.  I have been walking around barefoot outside, which I love to do anyway, but now I know it's "good" for me. :) Yes, it IS very confusing...if indeed "autoimmune = our immune system attacking us", then the last thing we'd want to do is 'ramp up' the immune system. Echinacea is an extremely misunderstood herb...and with good reason. There have been many attacks by the Medical Cartel and ridiculously performed 'clinical studies' that have villainized Echinacea (and/or "proved" how ineffective it is). You can read about 'how that happens' here: How Herbal Studies are flawed - Echinacea Study -- Dr. Foster For almost a century it's been thought to "bolster" or "supercharge" the immune system...but it's actually an immune system strengthener & modulator. Here's some information:
From this link: -- Echinacea: Fact and Fiction, Part Two - November 2007 The results of this study suggest echinacea works more as a modulator or facilitator of the immune response,...In particular, these key findings challenge the mythology that traditional echinacea extracts will "overstimulate and wear out" the immune system if taken continuously.
And here's a couple more regarding Echinacea and ways it modulates the immune system: Echinacea extracts modulate the pattern of chemoki... [Phytother Res. 2006] - PubMed result
Questions and Answers: Echinacea – new scientific insights (
With Hashimoto's, the current belief is that if Th1 dominant, then no Echinacea, but if Th2 dominant, then Echinacea is suggested...yet most sights indicate the opposite is true in some individuals. It's SO hard to really know, because there are so many factors at play in each of us. When Echinacea is taken, many times we see an increase in various immune actions for a week or two, only to see them drop & stabilize people would report feeling worse when taking it. What I know for sure is that Dr. Schulze used it successfully for several autoimmune conditions. If you'd feel better not using it, or using it only sparingly, then that's not something I'm going to try to "sway you away from"! Here is a general Google search on "Hashimoto's, echinacea, modulates": Take your time and scan through several pages of the results - not having some Echinacea isn't going to "ruin your cleanse"...and if you don't feel comfortable, then learn more, ask more and I'll do the best I can to learn & assist you. While you're scanning, remember that if the experts that claim they know exactly what Hashimoto's does and exactly how it works, really knew that...then they likely wouldn't have much of a problem coming up with a cure (or at least a drug to effectively band-aid the symptoms). But like everything else, they do rarely take into account that the entire body is a full organism, with each system & cell symbiotically dependent upon the others. For example, did you know that the liver is basically responsible for converting T4 to T3? How many thyoid "experts" address this when treating thyroid imbalances?
The one thing I'm sure of is that Echinacea doesn't "wear out" our immune system. Check out this study (it's amazing): Echinacea: a Miracle Herb against Aging and Cancer? Evidence In vivo in Mice
Cayenne tincture or powder 3x daily (you'd be doing that anyway with a parasite cleanse) I emailed you about ordering this also. :)  I saw it as an ingredient in one of the detox drinks, but I didn't know I should take it daily. Do the IF's have this in them? I thought I saw it was an ingredient. We all should have 3 doses of Cayenne daily. It's part of Dr. Christopher's fantastic 'daily diet' (which he called the Mucusless diet) here's a link: Parasite cleanse - a "must do" when working on the liver (well, everybody should do a thorough parasite cleanse once yearly anyway). Check the Parasite FAQ for my detailed suggestions; this is something you'd do daily for 30 days. So you are suggesting adding in a parasite cleanse while doing the other cleanses or after? Not only is it easiest to do it while doing the other cleanses, it makes the other cleanses (particularly the liver) more effective if there's parasites. In fact, when liver flukes are present, they clog the biliary channels making it very difficult to successfuly flush. AND the presence of various parasites causes the immune system to be stimulated/stressed and 'out of kilter' in various ways. Some sites suggest that parasites are definitely a complicating factor in Hashi's. If using the Unyworm combo, all you do is add a teaspoon of the dry herbs to 3 of 5 daily doses of IF#2 (easy-schmeazy), and mix up a Unybomb 3x daily...and since you're likely going be having garlic & cayenne 3x daily anyway, it really isn't much extra to do.  Let me know what you're taking and I'll check it out for you (if you'd like me to).
Sure, I am taking Synthroid(T4) and Liothyronine(T3) I'm running short on time, so I'm going to have to get back with you on this :)
And sorry this is a million different colors and text styles, lol, I was trying to figure out the editor. No apologies needed - the text editors frustrate me to no end!
Blessings! Rightbackatcha! Uny