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Planning my detox-a few questions
Maelynn Views: 1,120
Published: 13 y

Planning my detox-a few questions

I have NEVER done a full detox before and am working on my "plan". I am planning to do a 30 day detox period to start based on what I have read in the Incurables program. I want to only consume fresh juice, raw foods according to detox guidelines, potassium broth, herbal teas during this time.

Can I just go for it or should I do some prep work first, like a week of vegetarian eating, etc.?

I know that the bowel is the place to start.
I have Dr Schulze's 5 day detox kit and 14 extra IF#2 packets.(We bought these from someone who didn't want them for a steal)

Do I need to have enough to do 30 straight days of both formulas?

If so, Unyquity, do you sell something similar so that I could afford to do this?

Do I start the Bowel Cleanse on day 1 and if so, can I just start using #2 since I have several BM's a day?

My next question is which detox to do next? I have both kidney and gallbladder issues. :( I have suffered bladder/UTI's my whole life, although they have improved since I've had children. Gallbladder issues have cropped up recently and are more bothersome.

So whichever one I should do next, I am assuming I do one on week 2 and the other on week 4? I have one 5 day program of each the kidney and liver cleanses. If I need to do this more, same question as above, do I have other options to help me afford this? :)

I also have a bottle of the ECH+. Should I also take this during the 30 day cleanse?

My last question is concerning taking my thyroid Rx. I do not feel comfortable NOT taking it. I have done this before with really bad results. Is it okay to do these cleanses while taking my meds? My goal is to eventually not have to take them, but I am apprehensive for now.

Any other suggestions are also very appreciated. I want to set myself up for success with a plan and to have what I need before I begin. I'm trying to remove ALL excuses before I start.



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