I am using Lugol's almost 5% mixture and can verify the painting works. I feel pumped up. Almost like being back in high school.
I love trappers SSKI ! I recommend that it as well.
Trapper told me attaching the magnets to my bottle. This has helped me quite a bit when ingesting larger doses of Lugol's. Does it make it easier on my body for painting?
Tom2tears = You have got my interest up with increasing Libido for women.
I will ask my girlfriend to see if she would let me paint Lugol's on her and see if there is a difference. Do you think the effect will be as quick in women as it was for me?
If I tell my friends about Lugol's they just shrug it off. If I say that it will increase their wife's libido - I bet that they will be lining up. Wow, imagine that. I bet that then they will also say that it helps against cancer and to have easier periods etc.