Fibrocystic Breast Disease CURED
A subject I take very seriously. Two years ago, I was well on my way to Breast Cancer . I'd had FBD for a long time, and FBD is very much a precursor to breast cancer. BTW, some 90% of American women have FBD, NOW. It manifests as lumps and/or breast tenderness, can be cyclical(with the menstrual period), in advanced stages one can have pain throughout the month.
So, I discovered Iodine supplementation. The results have been amazing. I lost a full cup size of painful, swollen tissue. The texture of my breasts completely changed, they have become very soft. I'm 95% done, I don't know if the last remaining area is scar tissue, or not. I haven't been diligent about supplementing for a while now, I've gotten complacent and cocky. So, I need to get back on board with this.
Nice that I can get complacent, huh? 1 in 7 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm sure that I will not. I have experienced iodine and companion nutrients dissolving fibrous tissue.
Too bad I didn't know about this 5 years ago, when my sister-in-law died of breast cancer. She left 5 children behind.
Iodine's efficacy in treating FBD is well-documented. Iodine has been used in research on various breast cancer cell lines as well, with success.
Iodine Docs are treating breast cancer patients with iodine, there are no reports yet as far as outcome, this is still all pretty new. I have no doubt that there will be success.
Will it become a mainstream treatment though? I don't know. There is a lot of money to be made from cancer, and breast cancer is no exception. Lots more money to be made with chemo drugs. Symbollon corporation actually tried to bring an iodine-based drug to market a while back. Their testing was unsuccessful, though. The FDA would only allow them to test at a very low dosage.
One thing is constant in all of the research re:iodine & the breast. The breasts need I2, aka ioDINE aka molecular iodine aka elemental iodine.
The MOST ioDINE that you can get per dose is contained in Lugol's solution. Iodoral IS lugol's in tablet form.
Iodine and the breast. at Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team (MessageID: 1339236)