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are these parasitic symptoms? hairloss, jaundice, hormone imbalance.....
jahlife Views: 6,371
Published: 13 y

are these parasitic symptoms? hairloss, jaundice, hormone imbalance.....

I ate SAD diet for first 20 years with anitbiotics.
Been vegan for 12 years now, 10 of them raw vegan.
I am only 32 with MAJOR hair loss... they test for everything of course always showing up "fine".

For eating extremely well, I am actaully not well. my gut (no pun intended) tells me something else may be taking my nutrients.

I am 5'2, 108 lbs

my symptoms:
MAJOR Hairloss
very yellow skin (especially palms.. and no, it is not carotenadermia as I have been tested for it 4x already and they say my liver is fine)
PAIN in ears (sometimes) at night on whatever side I lay
hormonal imbalance (extremely irregular periods my whole life other than when I took BC from 17-20)
PCOS (depending on what doc I see)
pain on left ovary area
pain with intercourse

I want to do my first parasite cleanse.
I have healthforce brand parasite cleanse? is this good?
should I use something else?
what is the best protocol to take them (morning empty stomach or with dinner, etc...)

can i do a Colon Cleanse at the same time? what do you suggest?
I actualy ant to do a FULL body cleanse (colon, parasite, liver, kidney, etc...)
so ANY suggestions on order and products to take would be much appreciated



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