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Re: Paragone or Parastroy ????
sd2345 Views: 4,532
Published: 13 y
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Re: Paragone or Parastroy ????

There is always the possibility you don't have parasites.

I'm not sure that Humaworm is any better, it's not much stronger of a dose than what you are taking. I took it and it did nothing for me, and I did have parasites. There are some people who have results from it, so switching may help you uncover a problem if you have it, it's just hard to say from person to person.

Also, it sometimes takes a while in your system to produce results. You should try to up your dose of the program you are already on, since you have it, just for a couple of days and see if that produces any results.

Usually, if you have parasites, you will start feeling ill, tired, and weak as the parasites are dying, sort of like the flu.


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