Re: Paragone or Parastroy ????
It's good that you recognize the symptoms, it does sound like
parasites could be your problem. The issue with the two cleanses you asked about is the strength of them, it seems like some of the
parasites today have evolved and built resistance to what used to be typical doses.
If you are getting relief from what you are taking, I would say keep taking it for 15-30 days to see what
happens, or you could add an additional capsule to the dose to make it stronger. But again, if you are feeling better, it may be all you need. Also, you can add raw garlic. Raw garlic has been very helpful in killing worms and relieving bloat for me.
Most important, keep the bowels clear and drink lots of pure water. You can take psyllium to help remove the
parasite debris, and enema's and
colonics are very helpful. The sooner you flush out the toxins and
parasite waste, the better you will feel.
Good luck with your cleanse!