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SouthLondoner Views: 4,077
Published: 12 y


Today I started adding Zinc and trace amounts of copper (15mg of zinc contains 0.75mg of copper) to my supplement regime.

And it feels like it is doing something already. I took 45mg over the course of today and I have noticed:

- more motivation
- feeling more energetic
- breathing passageway feels more clear
- a hard to explain positive and energetic feeling which runs from my diaphragm down to my testes.

Is it placebo? Or has my body been missing zinc? I supplement with 200mg iodine, 3000mg vit c, vit b complex, magnesium chloride transdermal and 1/2 tsp orally, Omega 3 and 6 in good ratios, borax 1/4tsp a day, Vit D and k2 at nighttime (2500ui and 5mg respectively) as well as a daily salt load.

I don't want to jinx anything, but I am almost feeling like I was when I first supplemented with Iodine 6months ago.


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