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Re: Making Zappicator with computer and audio software...

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 13 y
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Re: Making Zappicator with computer and audio software...

Quote: "I just need to know if I have to convert AC to DC?"

Research how zappers work, and find out.

Research what voltage and current you need.

Quote: "Also will a diode make that conversion possible?"

If it is needed:

Yes. Just connect it in series.

You may also consider a bridge rectifier. It would be more efficient, but you may need a different wave form.

Research how diodes and bridge rectifiers work.

Quote: "What kind of diode will I need for it?"

Find out the maximum voltage and current, and get one rated at a higher voltage and current than the maximum it will be exposed to.

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I have doubts about the effectiveness of zappers (I know some will disagree).

I would be looking for other methods to treat a medical condition.

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If I was to make something like that, I would go about it in a different way.


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