Most autoimmune conditions are believed to originate in the intestinal tract, which the pancreas is a part of. Candida can cause diabetes through the action of it's Secreted Aspartyl Proteases (SAPs), which destroy the insulin receptors on cell walls. Insulin is like a key which connects to these receptors and then sugar enters the cells. Without these receptors, insulin can't open the cell membrane and blood sugar levels remain higher. Additionally, there may be metabolic imbalances due to protein malnutrition that affect the production of insulin. Insulin is a protein-based hormone and intracellular proteins necessary for production of insulin can also be affected. Protein absorption can be lost due to changes in intestinal flora, which can lower stomach HCL levels and lead to decreased protein absorption.
I would recommend the McCombs Plan along with the Blood Sugar Protocol.
Let me know if you have more questions.