Pin worms I have had. I never saw any that came close to 1/2"inch long. pinworms are white and crawl out of your anus at night IF you are infested. If you only have a few they will not come out. You can sometimes see them on your poop. I did. They are small. Thin like a line on a paper drawn with a sharp pencil. and are only about 2-4 mm in length. You get ichy butt and fart all the time. Night sweats are associated. I didn't mess around when I found out i had them. Everything about my life is organic and natural, but I went to the doctor and got a pill that killed them. I found out that they are more easily gotten than head lice.
also i am an acupuncturist. Chinese medicine says night sweats are a weakness in yang Qi, a weakness in your defensive qi in some cases and in other cases it can be deficiency of yin causing excess yang. see you local LAc. its easily taken care of.