EDIT Re: Probiotic Doses for Candida Treatment
be sure to include L. Salivarius and B. Animalis, once thought to be a different species than B. lactis.
Both are *foundational* species that help lay the groundwork for the others.
I would also encourage the use of a good SBO product with fulvic and humic in the formula... all beneficial microflora, especially those that cycle elements/minerals are found in the soil.
Note that therapeutic dosing may need to be continued for many months... some say up to 6 months, however, for severe cases longer.
So it can get pricey... still a lot cheaper, much safer, and with far fewer side effects (you will have waves of detox symptoms as the flora population in your gut shifts from bad/pathogenic to good/beneficial) than going through pharmedico.
You will likely also enjoy much less bloating and gas after the initial die off which can take a while, along with much more efficient digestion and assimilation of nutrients along with *resolving* a whole host of *symptoms* because you are getting at the root cause of many diseases/illnesses.
EDIT - recent research has found a connection to the good microflora stimulating stem cell growth/activity... in contrast it has also found that the bad microflora inhibits this and can even stop it.