Day 6 Water fast, still extremely weak
From everything I have researched about fasting, extreme weakness is supposed to go away after the first 3 or 4 days, along with hunger. It is day 6 and I am still patiently waiting for the weakness to go away. Just getting up to get a drink of water or go to the bathroom is a huge task. I get dizzy and out of breath. So far the only symptoms i have experienced is LOTS of weakness, hunger, and weight loss. I have NOT experienced headaches, nausia, breakouts, or any other detox symptoms that I have read about from others experiences. And I most definitely have NOT experienced any energy or good experiences. Is there something wrong with me or should I keep going with this fast? I really want to keep going until my weakness goes away and I feel better. But what if it never happens. What if I'm not supposed to fast for some reason or another because normal people feel good at this stage?
And for the record- Ive been vegetarian for 6 years, organic vegan for six months, and before the fast i ate MOSTLY (like 80%) raw food for a week, if that answers any of your questions. And it is my first time fasting.