Re: Sick and confused... help?
I'm new here, and I feel your pain, lol! I've always used nature's secret ultimate cleanse, so I never thought I'd ever have
parasites or yeast. But, after tripping through a few sites, I realized I had like 15 out of 18 symptoms. Acidophilus helped my nausea, but I felt sick way too often. So I saw a site that Sid if you have yeast, you likely have
parasites too, and vice versa. So, I bought some diatomaceous, which is supposed to kill both. Lo and behold, 3 days later, I passed a like 3"roundworm. Freaked out, I went and got a box of parastroy. It's kicking my butt with the die off. Nausea at nite, today nausea in the day, sinuses going like a low grade cold. Now I read about the
coffee enema and peroxide enema, that's next. I just want to get some relief. I find that taking the high dose vitamin c with echinacea, 2 tablets helps pretty fast. Also, ya know how after you eat, you feel bloated? Digestive enzymes are a HUGE help! Hope that helps....
Christine :0)