Re: Sick and confused... help?
Hi Blinding Shape,
Thanks so much for your well-wishes and commiseration..and back at you!! It's pretty cool that we're both on the 4th day of the walnut hull,
Wormwood , and clove
parasite cleanse (i'm not on the male fern - i'm doing the para-bowel cleanse from the drclarkstore site), and we're having similar reactions - and, it sounds like, some similar parasites! - maybe we can continue to bounce our symptoms off of each other :)
It's funny, I just got a Zapper in the mail (it's the $30. one off of Amazon, based on Don Croft's Zapper) and I just put a battery in, turned it on, put it next to my skin and forgot about it. After a while the
parasite 'thrashing' or whatever it was stopped. I actually felt good enough to eat something besides plain popcorn for the first time since breakfast. I don't know if the zapper did it or what, but I am going to keep throwing everything I can at these parasites, bacteria, etc. to get rid of them!
:):)Yes, keep in touch:)