Re: IBS/Digestion issues... what is going on here?
Hi Mimsycal,
I experienced some of the problems you are with the bowel movement, vomiting and many other symptoms. I suffered badly with AF, and now on the way of healing.
One of my biggest problems was low sodium and low cortisol levels. If you are really to weak it may be a good idea to get some blood work done immediately to see if you are low with sodium, and also also a ACTH test to see about your cortisol levels.
IF THAT BAD GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. I did, I thought I had the flu and it wasn't the flu...low sodium and low cortisol levels.
Then I would follow up with a cortisol saliva test and a hair anaysis through ARL. Why I recommend the blood tests first is they are the quickest way to see if you are suffering from the low sodium, and low cortisol levels. Then you can follow up with the other 2 tests to start with a healing process. (Make sure to get copies of test and view results).
Just my opinion. Best to you!