I actually posted at one time that we should all send e-mails to the real Dr. who House is modeled after. I posted her e-mail address.
I am 13 months post. I had # 4 and # 8 for a while after I had Mirena removed. The head pain really scared me. I would get shooting pains in my skull and thought I was going to die. My neck felt so funny for a few months after removal that even my hair rubbing on it hurt.
I posted a few months back that I had a massage and all of the symptoms came back but then a few days later I felt better. I had a massage and acupuncture on Thursday and had terrible brain fog yesterday. The natural Dr. who does the acupuncture thought that the Mirena hormones were/are still stored in some of my tissue and the massage releases them. Scary to think that stuff is still lingering around.