Re: New and having major problems with die off please help.
>- What I do know is I have had chronic constipation for 7 years now. ... Then the stools are loose, very loose,
Sounds like you have gone from one extreme to another.
Are you drinking enough water? Sounds like a simple question, but it could be a simple answer to many problems. You definitely need lots of extra water to detox.
Also, do you have enough raw vegetables in your diet? Potatoes do not count as a vegetable. They are starch which is stored sugar. Fresh green vegetables can reduce odors and help push stuff out.
>- haven’t even got to 8 per day as directed yet, I do 4-5 per day
Not taking enough is not doing you much good. Just like
Antibiotics , you can make
parasites resistant to herbs by not taking the right dosage.
>- I don’t know anything about zappers. They seem like a hoax,
While they are not always the answer, zappers are definitely not a hoax. Keep looking, there are a lot of zappers out there with prices starting just at over $60.00. There may still be some of the $10 to $15 ones around but be careful, there are differences.