12 y
New and having major problems with die off please help.
I am in need of major help. I have a moderate/severe
parasite problem that has been verified by muscle testing and metametrix GI effects stool testing. A chiropractor has given me Botanifuge which seems to be a strong herbal
parasite blend and weekly rife treatments as well as body work where he stimulates lymph and bile flow along with other pushing, popping thumping adjustments I don’t know what he’s doing to be honest.
What I do know is I have had chronic constipation for 7 years now. After my first visit (bodywork /rife) I immediately had gurgling sounds around the gut and a feeling of drunkeness for 2 hours. The next day I felt great but then I felt lousy the following day. Then the gas started to get really really foul smelling. Like beyond puetrification and fermentation of food that is undigested / slow transist. In other words, it is beyond gross, and beyond the normal gross that I am used to anyway as a result of chronic problems. Is this
parasite die off? Or What? Then the stools are loose, very loose, and very very gross.
It’s been a week and half and this is still going on. It’s very hard to take, hard to get through the day, because I guess with that stuff sitting in there, especially in the hours before a BM, I feel SO SO TOXIC. It’s hard to think straight or function at all at work.
I know that the herbs are by themselves toxic mildly, so sometimes I feel like I should quit them like they are killing me. But I’m afraid to cut back on them, I’m afraid to quit them. I’m afraid to take them at the full dose (haven’t even got to 8 per day as directed yet, I do 4-5 per day).
I would love to get a zapper, but I don’t know what to get. I’m leaning towards Don Croft’s Terminator or the Ultimate Zapper. I don’t know anything about zappers. They seem like a hoax, yet I know I will get one anyway because I’m that much in need of feeling better.
I don’t know what to do.