Re: Which one to fix first? Mercury or AF?
"How does candida relate to mercury poisoning?"
Hg and DMSA tend to have a negative impact on neutrophils and candida so we are wise to stay on top of the situation. There is a doc in Files of the yahoo frequent dose chelation group on DMSA and Neutrophils from Cutler. My impression is that we should not expect to fully resolve the problem without chelaiton. At the bottom of this page is a video clip of a neutrophil having some candida for lunch :)
"Glandular extracts and herbs tend to overstimulate me, specially licorice"
I don't have time to explain but cutler explains around p 32 of
Amalgam Illness book. For those who are Hg toxic and have poor stress management use only adrenal *cortex* extract, not whole adrenal. If you have cadmium too, maybe some whole adrenal. A number of us also use modest doses of pregnenolone with good results. This is not a fix--all but part of the puzzle. One place where Hg fouls up adrenals is not far from where cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone, the mother adrenal hormone.
"nutrients prescribed for the adrenals also tend to nourish the thyroid."
That is not what we see. Very, very, very frequently when someone who *needs* adrenal support goes on meds for it, it knocks down the thyroid and it will need extra support. This is commonly known. Treat adrenals before thyroid.
Thyroid hormones are made of tyrosine
Iodine and get converted to active T3 with selenium. Some say zinc is involve too. Don't skimp on selenium! Se binds rather tightly so would be expected to be at less than optimal levels when Hg is present--Cutler addresses issues with endocrine systems more than anything else in his AI book! They seem to get hammered by Hg.
Just in the past few days a woman posted her autistic son's 4 hair tests in the yahoo Autism-Mercury group. Several showed I very high in the red in hair, something that is unusual in our chelation groups. However she said she had been giving him high doses of I. Cutler does not recommend it. The kid had lead and strong indications of Hg problems. I strongly think these were then underlying factors in low thyroid not lack of I. Beware of sales people for supplements.