gas and bloating solved!!!!!!
Hey, I think I solved my bloating gas problem. It's been going on for months, years. I suspect I had/have bacterial overgrowth and sent in a breath test (genova). I'm seeing my doctor next week. In the mean time, soemthing has worked. I've taken probitoics, heavy doses, many many different kinds, strains. BUT, my lastest regimin is taking Digestive advantage, Intesive Bowl Support and Philips Colon Health after breakfast. I take the Intensive Bowl right before bed too. The Intensive Bowl support has bacillus coagulans. I have researched that strain of probiotic and it makes all the other strains grow in the right place. Implant where they are supposed to. It's only 1 billion, but I take 100 billion of other probiotics llike Renew Life later in the day.
I also am taking inulin, Miricle Fiber. Inulin helps feed the good bacteria. Amazing, but my stool has changed. It has always been very soft. very very soft. Now, it is perfectly formed, like the s shape or banana shape they talk about on Dr.
oz. I never knew it was a problem, but I'm telling you, these probitoics have taken away that gas and bloat I had. It happens in the afternoon, a couple of hours after lunch. It's tough for me to eat a snack. Just turns into complete gas. another thing that could help is peppermint caps. I hope my breath test is negative, because the special probiotics are taking care of this problem.