If you still have c. diff., oregano oil will get rid of it. You can get the oregano oil and put it in gel caps. I gave my dog oregano oil 2x day for 6 months for c. diff. ongoing/recurring infection that she contracted when she was 1yr and hung on for 4 yrs with conventional vet treatment and despite sacromycees bulardi supp. (I'm guessing the probiotic was not viable or just did not work). she'd have recurring accidents on the carpet in the family room (back door to back yard is located there) every month or two until the oregano oil. She'll be 6 in March and she's not had any problems for the last 2 years.
I stumbled across a product called Pyloricin that contains oregano oil, clove oil, ginger oil and Wormwood oil for the H. pylori bacteria. I used it for 3 months (supposed to only use it for 1-3 months) for my stomach issues (gerd, indigestion, heart burn -- digestive enzymes hurt my stomach and even drinking water hurt). It killed the h. pylori infection and is even anti-parasitic.
The oregano oil in Pyloricin is strong and might be a viable option for you.