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Re: About ready to start using ALA

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CGally81 Views: 2,648
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Re: About ready to start using ALA

Scary stuff, and I'm glad I read it.

I'm hoping my case might be a bit easier to resolve, mainly because I'm actually at a very good point now. I am alert and have good energy most of the time. My only real problem is hunger that is slightly higher than normal, and candida flare-ups if I eat Sugar when not taking a supplement that kills candida naturally (some of the supplements I used to take every day would prevent candida flare-ups completely. For example, deer antler velvet. I could eat any sugary foods I wanted and have NO flare-up at all).

So, since my candida is at a good spot (not perfect, but good), my only real symptom is occasional mild fatigue and higher-than-I'd-like hunger, I may have it easier than the people who have a laundry list of symptoms.

Bear in mind, I've been dealing with my health problems since 2008, when I developed gluten AND casein intolerance. Dealing with candida (which took many months), then removing the Amalgams from my mouth (I had 2, and the dentist, who knew what he was doing and kept me safe, said they were very small), and the two times I tried taking Heavy Metal Detox (an over-the-counter product I bought at Whole Foods) for a month, have probably resulted in the generally good health I enjoy.

Generally good. I am autistic (diagnosed as an infant), and I am not happy with the increased hunger, as I would like to lose maybe 15 pounds and have more energy with less food, like I did years ago. I can also be forgetful, something that might resolve after this is over. Other than those symptoms that are mild compared to the hell I used to be in as recently as, say, a year ago (and it was MUCH worse two years ago, where I was hungry all the time, had NO energy, and had many many headaches, amongst other problems), I'd say I'm pretty well off.

Anyway, I thank you for your input and I am definitely going to look more into this. But I plan to try it with very tiny amounts of ALA with each dose, and I will try to wake up in the middle of the night (by drinking lots of water late) so I can take doses at night. I'll start with small amounts of ALA, 3 days on/11 days off.


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