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Re: About ready to start using ALA
joegrane Views: 2,518
Published: 13 y
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Re: About ready to start using ALA

I strongly recommend that both you and Eric do some reading before continuing!

Audio discussion: Dr. Daniel Pompa & Dr. Andrew Cutler

Both men had mercury-related illnesses and improved greatly by using the Cutler chelation protocol.

Alpha Lipoic Acid can be dangerous if taken inappropriately! In this study it moved Hg *into* the brains of the mice when given inappropriately. Cutler explains why about 1/3 the way down the page.

Beware of chelation methods that have little scientific basis!

In the Links section of the Frequent-dose-chelation yahoo group there is a folder called Adverse Reactions... It provides many stories about people who rolled the dice and did random and dangerous things.

This is an example from our group. This person had an increase in bipolar symptoms after skipping night doses.

Sadly it seems we lost one of the members of the FDC group shortly after she decided to skip night doses. She was in her early 40's with fairly young kids. She had a very long list of symptoms and her mental state was borderline sane. This is her hair test with symptoms below it.

We tried to work with her on and off for a year. She had some gains but did not have any support around her. I **HATE** loosing my fellow board members, especially if it is avoidable!!!

This is an extreme example, but why take chances with a risky protocol? Don't mess with HMs! Take the time to do it right the first time.

Joe, 1.5 yrs Cutler Protocol and gradually improving.

PS. Now I generally do 4 days on and 3 off. I'm one of those who do better with more frequent than normal dosing--2.5 hrs or less during the day, somewhat less frequently at night.


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