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About ready to start using ALA
CGally81 Views: 2,673
Published: 13 y

About ready to start using ALA

I'll try to go over my history in brief. Discovered I had gluten intolerance, casein intolerance, candida overgrowth and mercury toxicity - discovered in that order. After removing gluten and casein from diet, realized candida was a problem (I got better, but up to a point), and took natural antifungals and met with huge success, but only up to a point. I progressed further with more success when I took the fillings out of my teeth.

After that, it was then only baby steps to deal with the remaining mercury (i.e. I took some supplements but no major chelators). Well, time to tackle it head-on.

I'm going to start using ALA. Maybe this weekend, maybe next, but definitely soon. I feel good enough generally to do so, and I'm tired of the candida not completely going away and flaring up if I eat Sugar without taking a supplement that keeps it at bay.

I got 60mg capsules of ALA, which I realize is a lot to start with, but it was the smallest size I could find locally (I bought them at Wegmans). My plan is this:

For 3 days, I will take a small amount of ALA by opening the capsule and pouring it into my mouth, then take vitamin C (1g), every 2-3 hours while awake (ALA is said to have a half life of about 2 hours I think). (I know from experience I can handle at least 20mg of ALA, as I used to take a supplement that contained that much)

After those 3 days, I will spend 11 days "off", taking zinc, magnesium and selenium, as well as 1g of vitamin C, once a day.

How does that sound? If nothing else, I'll start with that and modify if things go wrong and I start to feel real bad. But I think I'm ready to go the final stretch and get rid of that mercury, and by extension, this candida, for good!


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