Re: That site thinks Vit C and coffee enemas are bad
Just an observation! Experts are anybody in that forum because I have found more than 4 with that category. It doesn't mean anything. There isn't any hidden secret but people who promote a very restrictive diet. It is the same case as Bee Wilder, she advocates a very restrictive diet and some people get results but others no. No everybody has the same luck and the same level of infestation and problems with this syndrome. I have seen people come to this forum and to resolve their problems in 3 months, for instance, some who has used the Modern Herbalist protocol. (by the way, it is also a very restrictive diet)
But the thing is there are cases that have been 1 year or more following the restrictive diet without cheat and never get results. It is about immune defects, underlaying causes, genetic defects, heavy metal toxicity, and more. In the candida yahoo group I write, there are people who have followed a good protocol for years and have never reached a cure, some of them have 10, 15 or more years fighting it. Can we say they are making mistakes ?? No, they are doing what is known to treat this syndrome, what happen is everyone has her/his own complications and root causes. There are junior cases and very complicated cases. No every one must follow the same direction. This is what my experience tell me since I have read hundreds of stories about it in 3 years.