Re: 1 - 15 Hz PEMF info
The SC-1A defintely works! Dr. Lloyd at his Yahoo forum had some before and after tests with the F-165/SC-1A which is interesting to read.
Fairly recently I posted a good youtube video of Klinghardt telling mercola about the importance of EMF/mold. Very important to listen to the first 5 minutes if you haven't already
A good article
I think the T2 is a good choice regarding the info I posted above. Here is a quote from above. "5 Hz and 15 Hz doubling cell regeneration while 10 Hz quadruped it." The T2 runs at 15 Hz.
"what does the bean do then if not sending out the frequencies?"
What I mean is that if you take an expensive multimeter you can't get a reading from the SC-1A. At least I can't. If you take something like a Doug Coil and I'm sure a plasma device although I don't own one yes, it definitely picks up the frequency your running.
This doesn't mean it doesn't work. I'd be the first one to tell you the SC-1A works extremely well. In fact, I've had someone walk close to the SC-1A while it was running and within a few seconds of running one of newports scripts, they got a very bad headache, uncomfortable, etc. within seconds and didn't know why from just walking in the room.
While it may not be accurate it's the way I think of it is that when your very close to the SC-1A it's within your aura and therefore you get treated. Some days the aura may be a little smaller and will need the SC-1A closer while other days the aura may be larger and doesn't need to be so close to you. Based on Eastern medicine what works on the aura will work on the physical body. What works on the physical body will also work on the aura. This is accurate in my experience.
How the SC-1A works at a distance I think of it as an energetic cord. There is some info in google regarding cords. How cords get attached from one person to the next and similar causing problems. In fact, one of the reasons why some people are ill is because of this. I think most people have experienced just by being around someone they feel very drained, they get tired more easily, etc.. Well, this also happens on a very large scale and why it's important to remove these energetic cords.
That's why it's also important to keep in mind going to forums such as this where a lot of people are in ill health can drain you a bit unless you close yourself off and keep yourself at a distance.
I could go on forever, but regarding some pointers in getting well is I would recommend to not forget about mold as it's very important and I think a good percentage of people are stuck here. Here is a good article.
I would also recommend some sort of energetic approach. I personally do Pranic Healing but everyone has their own preference. Some may prefer acupuncture or EFT or even something like the 5 Tibetan Rites.
One can even hang around healthy people and their health will rub off on to you a bit as well. Children are a perfect example. Same can be done in other areas such as for money problems. Can hang around areas where people with a lot of money go such as a restaurant or lobby in an upscale hotel or similar.
Anyhow, I can't think of any others right now I'm sure there are other things to help you get over the plateau but the above is very good.
hope this helps