"using the F-165/SC-1A almost 24/7 and sleeping next to it a large majority of the time it appears I eradicated most of the pathogens by using newport's frequencies, then CAFL and Sutherland's frequencies as well as the doctrine."
Can anyone please tell me what "the doctrine" is? where can I learn about it? I know newport is a good guy here, I have heard of the CAFL, I have heard of Sutherland too, but what is "the doctrine"?
I'm considering the F-165, maybe the F-170. Where can I go to get good info on the purchase before I do?
I'd also like to get a plasma device (something to get into bones)....but I'm getting my feet wet here.
I'm "new" and interested in this forum the most. Any and all help is appreciated and will be remembered! (as long as the chemtrails dont make me forget...again...I think)