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1 - 15 Hz PEMF info
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Published: 14 y

1 - 15 Hz PEMF info

Here is a good site regarding the benefits between 1 - 15 Hz.

Some good quotes from the site.

Also, if you click on video it will take you to the youtube before and after for those with Parkinsons and other benefits.

In 1989 David Hood found chronic (30+ days) 10 Hz stimulation TRIPLED two critical enzymes of final stages of cell respiration, citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase

Testing systemic oxygen consumption via breath-hold-test since 2005 we have found routine improvements in as little as 2-3 days. Cell's burn oxygen more efficiently, drawing oxygen from blood slower, producing more energy and less waste from every breath; thus you are able to hold your breath up to 20% longer the first week or two; 2/3rds longer after a year or two and up to 100% longer after several years. Sleep on Command™ inventor's (9+years nightly use) breath hold is 2:46 (baseline 1:20) and he smokes cigarettes; only takes the test once every 18 months so practice is not a factor. Gets very little exercise.

In 2003 NASA-Goodwin found 10 Hz square wave stimulation caused neural tissue regeneration @ 4x baseline, w/ better 3-D orientation; cell DNA signature (more than 100 sets of nucleic DNA) reverted from maturation to developmental.

In 2007 James Tong TRIPLED nerve synapse energy & DOUBLED mitochondrial density at nerve synapses.

In NASA study above, mitochondrial robustness due to 10 Hz stimulation ONLY provided the energy to support regeneration at 4 times baseline. Originally the paper showed 5 Hz and 15 Hz doubling cell regenerationwhile 10 Hz quadruped it.

Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) pathways for lack of better term, vaguely explained biological effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on capillary dilation, increased cell membrane potential, faster anti-inflammatory processes, bone formation and kind. ACE pathways theory relies upon some inorganic energy transfer to the cell

Pulsed electromagnetic research rTMS/TMS of stroke resulted in 90% reduction of ischemic cell death caused by lack of oxygen.

1 Hz rTMS / TMS has little practical significance in performance enhancement other than as "red-herrings" (i.e. distraction intending to mislead). However, slow rTMS does routinely show a well established ability to down-regulate "excitability" in various brain tissues. In other words it "quiets" the brain by exciting the inhibitory circuits.


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