Got something in my Indox recently...
The author of the newsletter I received implied that people in Japan have one of the longest lifespans and are high consumers of soy. There was no information as to what type of soy, especially if fermented or not, and how much total of the type of soy.
Newsletter from Roger Mason, Nov. 8, 2011, titled "Healthy at 100."
I'm inclined to believe that the blatant lack of detailed information does not correlate with the drawn conclusions.
There is also much push for fruits, veggies, and nuts, which I'm not opposed. I have to cherry pick that I agree with many points, but not all. But I especially agree that we're overfed and undernourished when disease rates are extremely high compared. Lack of exercise (physical work) is what's killing most early as well.
I vehemently disagree with in Mason's newsletter stance that "proves beyond any doubt that soy is good food." Not all soy is good for you, only fermented in small quantities perhaps.