Re: Success stories after following Dr. Jeff's program?
I'm glad that these programs work for some, but why wouldn't you just treat yourself? I got to the point that I had enough and was willing to really suffer short term to feel good long term. I tried all the pills and supplements at first, spending hundreds of dollars, because of a possibility that something would be a quick fix.
No quick fix, and no gain without pain, folks. Sorry.
You MUST restrict your diet.
You MUST use a powerful anti-fungal
You MUST repopulate your gut AFTER the candida is beaten back with a massive amount of live, activated probiotics.
If you have tons of money great, buy the pills. If you want to do it on the cheap, use a pill as a starter for kraut like the Body Ecology method and make your own REAL kefir from grains at home. Buy the grains once and they grow so you don't have to keep purchasing starter. It's delicious and has 100+ strains of beneficial micro-organisms.
I am personally careful of doctors/products that make alot of promises and offer help for a price. I don't like the idea of someone capitalizing on my health, period. I am not trying to be offensive or knock anyone who uses a natural doctor. I'm sure they've helped alot of people! If you can afford an expensive coach, then great! But do not think that you need ANY of the saunas, pills, chelation therapies, etc. to feel better and get things under control. That is simply misinformation.