Re: What is the best herb to help lower sex drive in women?
You're not batty. What you are experiencing is your 2nd chakra - a part
of your spiritual energy system - an energy center just below your naval.
You and another person, have created a sexua| energy connection between the two
of you (a guy in this case) and it is often times really pleasurable.
First off, you don't have to act on it, you can simply enjoy it. Many
folks turn on their 2nd chakra sexua| energy at the start of the day and simply
allow it to run which creates a nice feeling throughout their entire energy
system (which is what those who practice Tantra do). Second, what
I've discovered is that the more pleasurable you find that sexua| energy
connection to another person the more sexually compatible you are. That
is, the more that you enjoy the same types of sexua| activities. You will
find that this can happen with people you've never ever met before in your life
while shopping in a grocery store, riding a bus, walking down the street,
sitting at your favorite bar, etc. Again, you do not have to act on it
because you as spirit are in control of your own reality. Also many times
that other person would never acknowledge that they are either attracted to you
or in fact horny. It's part of learning what we are doing as spirit which
is different than what our body thinks we are doing. Also that 2nd chakra
connection has nothing to do with love. Love is a 4th chakra/heart chakra
attraction. People get really confused on this level.
These spiritual connections have no ethics. Zero. It is bodies
which have imposed ethics and control. In the Garden of Eden story (which
is found in many religions) it was Adam and Eve who "discovered" that
they were naked. In fact, god quit walking with them as soon as they put
on clothes. Speaking of ethics/religion Solomon's Song of Songs was almost
left out of the bible because of its eroticism.
We as a society have been programmed to deny our bodies on many levels and it
can cause all sorts of distress including anxiety, depression, and downright
illness. A part of living is learning to give to our bodies in many ways
from sex, to spas, to aromatherapy, to a walk in the forest, and on and
on. Our fast paced fear based society has denied all sorts of body desires
and caused a load of problems that aboriginal humans never had. Am not at
all suggesting that we become aborigines but letting our hair down from time to
time and enjoying our bodies however we do it is a healing too.
Cords have different meaning when they connect into different chakras. A cord
going into your first chakra from another person usually means that they need
some information on surviving. They could want money, food, or security from
you. Small children receive survival information from their parents or whoever
takes care of them. If this cord is severed, then the child is unsettled. The
cord later is naturally removed when the child becomes self-sufficient and
manufactures his or her own survival information.
Cords connecting the second chakra to second chakra in two people usually
relates to attraction. A man or woman will send a line of energy into the second
chakra if he or she is interested in the other person. I once saw a married
woman who experienced energy cords into her second chakra from single men.
Flirtatious co-workers and grocery store workers turned her on. She did not want
these cords in her second chakra because she wanted to remain faithful to her
husband. She realized that she had thoughts and pictures stored in her aura from
earlier in her life allowing these energy connections into her.