Anyway I have tons of supplements as well as an antifungal which I stopped taking for the fast. Do you think I should add them in when I start to juice or wait till I do raw foods so it might be easier on the body to assimilate?
I really wanna do this right and not harm my body at all. I was kinda hopinh I wouldnt have to take the antifungal again after this. I read somewhere that all flora, good and bad, should be wiped out after 30 days on water and I figure if I do 30 days on green vegetable juice I will create a friendly environment in my intestines. Has anyone fasted for 30 ndays with candida or leaky gut on this forum? In one of the you tube videos Dr. Goldhamer says that if you can fast the body long enough you will heal your leaky gut...Do you think 30 days is long enough? Also I am about 15 lbs overweight..will that amke any difference in how long it takes my body to heal? I know the weight will disappear within the first 2 weeks and I read that the body dosent start the actual healing process until after the first 2 weeks...would like to hear anyones thoughts or experiences. Thanks so much