Re: Ongoing Severe Depression
My big weight loss was in my 20's and was done with just your standard healty diet (no
Sugar or flour...plenty of veggies and fruit...balanced macronutrients).
When I gained weight from adrenal fatigue a few years ago (now in my 40's) I had to use a low-carb/high healthy fat diet. The fat stabilized my blood
Sugar and the low carb sure did work to shed the pounds. I am still adding carbsi in slowly and maintaining my weight with no problem.
I have read 2t of fish oil for depression.
I do use the bright lights for depression.
One thing James has mentioned a number of times (and has saved my tail MANY times on rough mornings), is that chamomile is nature's highest source of tryptophan which coverts to serotonin (as long as not taken with protein which will block the conversion). So, I steep a chamomile blend tea overnight (Sleepytime Green and Tazo Calm are my favorites) and when I wake up I warm it up and drink it right away before I eat anything. It does help me and I feel the differnce pretty quickly.
Of course, chain-drinking the tea is not practical. But, I wonder about getting just getting some chamomile?