Re: Ongoing Severe Depression
I'm so sorry to hear this, Marci.
Depression is such a devastating, complicated thing to try to resolve.
As for myself, my
Depression was ultimately linked to adrenal fatigue. It made seasonal
Depression horrendous (but that got better as my adrenals healed), and bright light therapy combined with phosphadityl serine helped there. Also, 2-3 t of Carlson's fish oil helps a ton, but it takes 6-8 weeks to feelt that. Prayer/meditation helps.
Also, it made me very sensitive to hormonal imbalances. So, a little too much progesterone gave me severe depression.
When I was severely overweight I had a terrible time with depression, too. But, at my current normal weight, it is all about my adrenals for me.
Finding a good therapist, no matter what the cause of it all, is so helpful to support you and I was surprised how many blindspots I discovered. Working through them lightened the emotional load as well. Look carefully in your life for emotional drains. Don't let them slip under the carpet.
So, there were many dimensions to take care of it- no easy fix- but every little thing gave some relief. The extent to which I can keep improving my adrenals, I can keep improving my tendencies to depression.
Good luck, Marci.