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Pondering Telman’s Post
Savagegrace Views: 3,801
Published: 19 y
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Pondering Telman’s Post

From Telman’s post the following points come up:

(The questions I ask are not directed at Telman, but of myself, should he or anyone care to answer, (or add questions) I would of course, appreciate it!)

(You may find inconsistencies in the "perspective" of certain questions, as I kept rereading the post and coming up with different questions from reading material further down the post, but going back up and putting them in where I felt they were most pertinent, I now feel that was not the best way to proceed).

You may not appreciate that the gallbladder will contract much more at certain times of the day than others Conversely it will relax more at certain times than others. It has natural cycle which is in harmony with other changes in basic bodily functions. The duodenal blood supply also moves it concentration through the four section of the duodenum in a 24hour cycle. The biliary system is very different in the morning than mid-day, evening or night-time in order to support primitive feeding patterns. Telman

In this case I’m not concerned about the GB, I’m attempting to force a better flush from the liver.

So? Is there a best time frame for the Liver? If there isn’t, wouldn’t it be when the GB is at low ebb or discharged of it’s bile?

Wait a sec, does the GB signal the liver it needs more bile produced when it contracts or is the bile from the liver to the GB a constant? I'll need to look that up.

The Epsom Salt is a mixture of magnesium and sulphur. The sulphur in the form of a readily absorbed sulphate will, at the correct dose, causes the gallbladder to contract very significantly and more than maybe slightly more than normal. Without the Epsom Salts at the start of flushing you may have three times the bile available. This additional bile will be capable of emulsifying three times the amount of olive oil compared with the Hulda Clark e flush. Telman

This seems to imply I should have taken a goodly dose of ES first thing, to take the GB’s bile out of the picture.

Causing a quicker overburden of the liver with symptoms appearing sooner.

In terms of repeated doses of olive oil and citric juice many people will encounter a maximum gallbladder contraction after the first dose. Telman

However, this implies the first ES really isn’t needed. But begs the question, what the hell is happening to the liver’s ducts? I want pressure! I want movement within the liver!

Having such a long protocol without a pre laxative will allow the bile to be reabsorbed in the terminal ileum which is going to defeat the flush for some people and make others rather toxic. Olive oil is high in oleic acid and this is readily absorbed through the intestine wall without modification. Telman

Usually I do a pre-clean out, I have no problem doing the SWF. I’ll add this to the end of the protocol.

Is there a better oil to use for this protocol?

People who haven’t got their colon and bowels clean may be at risk with this protocol. (Or for that matter almost any protocol here at CZ)

Ah oh. This raises the specter that the symptoms might have been due to going toxic?

No, if that had been the case, I would have remained toxic and not gotten that elated feeling.

The bio-mechanics of a single large dose is quite different from a multiple dose protocol. Telman

Yep, even though I didn’t have a clear understanding (and obviously still don't), the difference of symptoms between the two protocols validates (as far as I’m concerned) the need to do both.

Just need to figure the most appropriate methodology.

The 1/4 cups of water dilutes the acidity of the stomach chyme and will reduce the amount of secretin produced in the duodenum. Secretin is an important element of the Liver Flush because in swells the volume of bile in the liver bile ducts and cause the pancreas to produce copious amounts of sodium bicarbonate. Telman

This is what I’m really looking for, increasing the liver’s reaction.

I’ll eliminate the water. But I have to say, I’m not sure I could handle that much oil without the water!

But shouldn’t this decrease the time for symptoms to appear and increase effectiveness?

I’ve been using Sunflower oil for OP, I really prefer it to OO, could that be used instead?

The alternative flush is a rediscovered protocol specifically for removing Gallstones from the gallbladder which was found inappropriate for people with chronic illnesses as they were unable to tolerate the retoxification. Telman

While it may specifically have been designed for the GB, I sense it to be more useful for the Liver.

While reading this post several times several other questions come up that would be useful answered.

What is the minimun ES needed to induce the ducts to dilate?

When hit with ES or the oil/acid combo, how long does it take for the GB to relax so it can be hit again?

I also sense I may have a wrong perspective in the need to take the GB out of the picture. Oh well.

A Big Thanks to Telman for taking the time to clarify so many points.

And of course, causing so many more questions to be asked......;-)

Gracefully Savage


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