link to Pam Crane chat with Gordon Stamp
[...and if you wanna' dissolve cellulose and other
related polysaccharides, his mix should do the trick...]
[[ intriguing since my best guess for what the 20 micron
dia. white fibers are cellulose. Nothing I've
tried has even nicked it..acids or bases.
Have attempted to take fibers apart with Klaire labs
"Interfase Plus"..but..all it does is make the fibers
squeaky clean. Interfase has cellulase and hemicellulase
listed as ingredients..but the amount is NOT listed.
Three days of soaking in 350 mg of Interfase in an ounce or
two of water..accomplishes nothing. }}
Cellulase..................5000 CU/GM
Hemicellulase.............400,000 HCU/GM
Glucose Oxidase..........1,500 AG/GM